The Digital Village Show
Digital Village Network presents The Digital Village Show! Learn about all of the latest business tech trends and news, delivered right to your ear. Meet some of the greatest minds in business driving and leading technology shifts in business and understand how you can utilise technology to benefit your organisation and your customers.
The Digital Village Show
Responsible Innovation in Ag Tech Pt.3
Dr Simon Fielke - Also a research scientist in applied human geographical research into the implications of digitalisation of agricultural innovation systems and has published over 35 papers with CSIRO alone.
Professor Graham Williams - A leader in machine learning in AI and prolific author who has served as Principle Research Scientist at CSIRO, Director of Data Science at Microsoft and currently Chief Scientist, Software Innovation Institute at ANU.
Nikki and Peter Thompson - Land stewards in the Maranoa Region in Queensland who have utilised multiple streams of technology for their practices and contributed to industry initiatives such as Farm Data Code and Rural Connectivity.