The Digital Village Show
Digital Village Network presents The Digital Village Show! Learn about all of the latest business tech trends and news, delivered right to your ear. Meet some of the greatest minds in business driving and leading technology shifts in business and understand how you can utilise technology to benefit your organisation and your customers.
The Digital Village Show
Cyber Security & The Cyber War is real!
It's time we truly understood the impact of cyber security on our lives and business.
Part one of our three-part cyber security, in this episode we’re honoured to welcome one of Australia’s leading Cyber Security Experts, Alastair Macibbon. Alastair is a former National Cyber Security Adviser & Head, Australian Cyber Security Centre, now Chief Strategy Officer of CyberCX, the Australia & New Zealand's full-service cyber security firm.
Jason and Paul are going to discuss with Alastair the impact cybercrime is having on people, businesses and governments, the cyberwar occurring behind the scenes and why we should be concerned about the risks and impact cybercrime us. But it's not all doom and gloom, there's a light at the end of the tunnel, and Alistair will share insights into the change that are needed for us to better protect the future of business and governments,
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